Monday, January 12, 2009

learn how to apply the 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Procto

The Secret is a powerful movie and novel that has changed the way the world thinks and acts. It can be a confusing and difficult subject matter for some individuals however, making it next to impossible to truly grasp. If you want to experience the truly remarkable benefits of The Secret, then you may want to seek additional guidance on the subject matter. There are many ways to learn how to apply the 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor in your daily life, but you must first have a firm grasp on the information.

How The Law Of Attraction Works And Changes Your Life

Goals are a part of our life. We make goals and decide to achieve them, but so many people lose sight of those goals. To reap the benefits of goal making, you will need to live the goal. Make the goals you set a central part of your daily lifestyle. Focus on the goals when you wake in the morning, and before you fall asleep. Eventually these goals will bring you to the point that you want to be at, and thinking about them constantly allows you to visualize. Visualizations are promising for adding motivation to your goals.

When you are able to truly appreciate your goals, you can take Jack Canfields famous quote into your lifestyle and daily mantras. "Decide what you want and believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it is possible for you. And then close your eyes everyday for several minutes and visualize having what you already want, then feeling the feeling of already having it. Come out of that and focus on what you are grateful for already and really enjoy it. Go into your day and release it to the universe and trust that the universe would figure out how to manifest it". Never has a statement been more powerful.

Reasons Why Individuals Fail At Applying The Law Of Attraction

If you lack complete understanding of the remaining laws, then you lose sight of the most important one of all. The Law of Attraction takes much more comprehension, and practice than the others. At the same time, each law requires a constant and steady flow of cooperation between each. Very few individuals are capable of making all 11 laws work in unison.

Bob teaches an online course titled “The 11 forgotten Laws”. The course outlines the very important laws that you need to completely succeed in the area. Thinking, Supply, Attraction, Receiving, Increase, Compensation, Non-Resistance, Forgiveness, Obedience, and Success, all create the add up to be the 11 laws that can improve your life forever.

To check out the official website Here:

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